A Sky Dance Charter-Share VIP Flight to Wagga Wagga


This trip has been requested from a number of the parents of graduating students. Booking this is an expression of interest. Costs of the charter will be divided between the guests evenly.Archerfield Airport to Wagga Wagga 31st October

Aircraft: Piper Chieftain PA31

Departing: Archerfield Airport (Brisbane) on the morning of the 31st October 2019.

Flight time Archerfield to Wagga: 2hrs to fuel stop – 30min refueling – 2hrs to Wagga Wagga (~5hrs total)

Arrival in Wagga Wagga: Afternoon of the 31st October

Wagga Wagga to Archerfield 2nd November

Aircraft: Piper Chieftain PA31

Departing: Wagga Wagga on the morning of the 2nd November 2019.

Flight time Wagga Wagga to Archerfield: 2hrs to fuel stop – 30min refueling – 2hrs to Archerfield (~5hrs total)

Arrival in Archerfield: Afternoon of the 2nd November

Payment method: At checkout, please select “Pay with bank transfer”. We will complete the booking information and once the guest numbers are confirmed we will send out payment requests. Payments can be made with credit card or bank transfer or cryptocurrency (Bitcoin)

Please call 0439181711 with any questions.

Thanks, and we are looking forward to flying soon!


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